Weds, Feb 26th, 7-8p
Over Zoom - to register, please do not fill out the form. Instead, please email [email protected] to receive the link and important information
Join us for an evening introducing you to the Front Range’s original Rebuilding 10-Week program with therapist and facilitator Kathy Kahn. She will overview the Rebuilding blocks to relationship recovery, offering you a place for support, guidance, camaraderie, reflection, and even a bit of humor. Our Workshops are meant to be a peek into what the in-person Denver 10-week Rebuilding program offers, providing you with tools to take away and begin using immediately.
This workshop is free, however you must register to receive the login. To register, please do not fill out the form. Instead, please email [email protected] to receive the link and important information.
According to research, Rebuilders take two years off their time to recover and move forward. You will walk away from this session with more than a glimpse of your path forward.
Join us for a supportive and insightful hour over Zoom!